Santa Fe's past winter was the worst in 100 years for the snow pack which helps to create rivers and streams was nil--so say local historians. In the early spring, one would have thought that the drought of the Southwest was permanent until the monsoon season arrived this July-August. And then the torrential rains came

and flooded towns, created rivers of road water and sand flowing down roads and through the arroyos. They actually had to release water from the dam on the Santa Fe reservoir to allow it to go through town in the arroyo a sight that has not happened for years!! The road in front of my house is on a steep incline from some dunes

overlooking Santa Fe town.
It is covered in mud from a flash flood earlier last month. High above me is a remarkable view of the mountains to the North, the Sangre de Christo to the East and the Jemez Mts to the West.
Things have been in full bloom roses all year round, lavender and of course the miniature sun flowers that are planted in every vacant field. It is truly a season in bloom. My last week at Capital High School was dramatically new and exciting. Walking into a classroom of 130 students (75 in US History and Geography) and (50 in US Government and economics) was a dream come true. Even the sage teachers who warned me about tricks and trouble from schedule mishaps has not yet dampened my enthusiasm. Over 80 percent of the students are either from New Mexico hispanic origin or are 'old Mexican' origin. There is a small percentage of Caucasian and Native American too. Many of the Hispanic students as they like to call themselves are proud of their ancestry and this past week they celebrated the burning of the effigy of Zozobra to let go of the winter doldrums. The Fiesta time of Santa Fe is upon us and the king and queen of the Fiesta came to the school where all students and the principal and faculty danced traditional dances with the Fiesta celebrants. I have learned my students names by making seating charts despite having 4-5 Veronicas and Alejandros. I also having an icebreaker game tossing the balls to each student while they say their name and I say mine. My classes in US history are an eye opener as many students do not know basic facts about Columbus, the American revolution, colonial history, the slave trade or anything. It is a challenge to have them know the importance of civics and American history so I began with the topics "Why Study History?" and "What is good government?" The answers were pretty traditional "to not make the mistakes of the

past..etc" and "to help the poor and have jobs." We started to talk about careers a little with history and voting and what it means to live in the USA. The students confide in me that as Americans they feel very fragmented and disunited. That is hard to hear but understandable in the times we live. I got the best response from music when I played Bob Marley cds for them on a Friday. They resonate to the songs of the revolution and protest. Many of the girls are thinking only of the next lip stick application, is my cell phone text messaging and the like. I have my own rules and they are followed. My best moments come when I feel a light bulb go off and something I have said connects. It is vital to write everything on the board and I use an overhead projector, movies sometimes and read allowed from literature. I am enthusiastic about teaching and will give my every effort to learn the way that these students can find meaning and connections with what I teach, whether out of necessity to get a good grade, or to see that the teacher does not give them 'the look."
1 comment:
wow...those kids over there are in for a real treat...to have you as their teacher, they are extremely fortunate...to hear about how you connect with these kids and to literally feel your motivation seeping out of your entry has given me hope that what i will teach in ukraine is not going to be wasted...school has just started but unfortunately i have been pulled from my site and am now in kyiv waiting for a new site...i'll keep you posted...you rock!...from ukraine with love, rut
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