But wait!! what is this. footsteps on the beach. not in Santa Fe!
Oh this must be Florida haven of snow bunnies! A quick trip to Pam and Bill's to discuss South Africa's beauty, wonderful people and difficult history. I briefed Pam's Ladies group and
discussed with Bill's Symposium South Africa's challenges in terms of AIDS, violence and economic challenges going forward.
The reason for coming after all was skiing, so you can imagine my horror when last year we had two inches of precipitation. This year the most spectacular snow, mountain and sunshine 20 minutes from home makes Santa Fe more than just home...it makes it a ski vacation, cultural tourism spot and full of natural beauty.But all is not lost! Back to Santa Fe for a quick ski day with great nephews Luke
and Zeke followed by a hot tub in my jacuzzi followed by a massage. Then correct 250 papers for Midterm grades and flunk 10%. It seems that all might be lost when attendance drops in the senior class by 50% and juniors turn up only when it is time to preregister or get their grades. The most disheartening comments: "What do you mean Miss, just let me finish this text message." "Oh miss what page are we on." "Miss, that is too much work to do write an essay for this test." We went through the Age of Immigration by discussing the students ancestry. Recent immigrants from Mexico comprise approximately 40% of my students, another 40% of the students are “Hispanics,” identifying with their Spanish ancestors as distinct from Mexican nationals, and the remaining 20% are white, black and Asian. I am daily confronted by the mental borders that separate my students from each other and from embracing education as the great American equalizer. These students tend to lack age appropriate verbal and writing skills. One thing is clear, however, they all understand this
image. "Freedom, jobs, opportunities, welcome to all." I began the new year with the book The End of Poverty. Just when I thought all would be lost forever, my Seniors came up with these bright questions about poverty: "What can we do about poverty." Why does the US spend so much on The War when people are so poor?" "Why do families have eight kids when they are so poor?" "Miss, my boss saw me reading that book and he wants to borrow it." "I love this book, this tells my life story when our family left Guatemala." Ah yes, the pros and cons of teaching!

We are in the home stretch at school Spring fever has set in as teachers scurry around for professional development. I have chosen Yale New Haven Institute where I hope to go this summer. I recently passed my NM Public Education Department Portfolio review. I think the committee was impressed by my presentation. Having survived first year of public school teaching, I can only tell you the opening scene of "Freedom Writers" tell the story accurately. I signed up for another year and look forward to a long summer!